Bailey’s Irish Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies

Since it’s March and all, what do you say we prep for St. Patrick’s Day a little early? I’m a big fan of Bailey’s Irish Cream and I’m not letting the fact that I don’t have a drop of Irish blood stop me from finding new excuses to enjoy it.  My boyfriend is Irish, so I guess there’s that? The alcohol actually burns off, so you’re left with the delicious flavor and you can leave these in your office kitchen without getting in trouble.


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Almond Flour Brownie Bites

Nothing says, “I love you so much I don’t even mind if you gain a couple of pounds” like a batch of brownies.  Fresh baked brownies are the perfect way to show someone you really care.  It takes a lot of restraint not to polish these off.  I made my boyfriend some of these brownie bites without telling him they had a little secret…almond flour! The best substitutions are those for which you can’t even tell there is a substitution and these brownie bites fit the bill.  Why not make them a teensy bit healthier? I’m not ashamed to admit there are some really good boxed brownie mixes.  These are fudgy (that’s a word…) like the good boxed mixes, but you know every single thing going into them. I don’t ruin my brownies but adding icing or powdered sugar. These don’t need them. Pure chocolate goodness. DSC01938

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Cranberry Pomegranate Cocktail

Hello again! December has been a whirlwind month and it is already almost time to ring in 2015. Our last post of 2014 is a winter-inspired celebratory cocktail perfect to bring in the New Year. Whether this year was full of exciting moments or challenges for you, I hope 2015 brings you happiness and good health. Thanks for continuing on this blogging adventure with us.


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Gingerbread Cupcakes with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

Gingerbread is a holiday staple around my house.  Aside from gingerbread cookies, my sister and I always make these gingerbread cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting.  The tartness of the lemon mixes perfectly with the sweetness of the cream cheese frosting and adds a little excitement to these gingerbread cupcakes.


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Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge

When thinking up holiday gifts, everyone likes food.  This candy cane chocolate fudge is festive, smooth, and just the right amount of sweet. This is an easier fudge recipe than some you’ll find, but it takes a little bit of effort. Your loved ones are worth it though, aren’t they?  Wrap up this fudge with a colorful ribbon and you have an easy gift.  Or, bring this to a holiday party and make lots of friends.  You can’t go wrong.

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Cinnamon Hot Chocolate with Homemade Whipped Cream

It’s getting cold outside, which means one thing: hot chocolate season is here!  I love different variations of hot cocoa, and this cinnamon hot cocoa is no different.  It has a perfect chocolate flavor with a hint of cinnamon.  This recipe is delicious with a little Bailey’s if you want a boozy version.


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Garlic Roasted Purple Potatoes

Did you know potatoes this beautiful existed? Well, they do and I have good news for you.  These purple potatoes are healthier than white potatoes and taste just as good, if not better!  You can pretty much substitute these potatoes for any recipe calling for a white potato.  Roast them, mash them, bake them.  Options are endless.  These purple potatoes have around 4x the amount of antioxidants contained in normal Russet potatoes (remember, purple = good).  That’s real life.  Healthy food can taste good too! You can find these at farmer’s markets or certain grocery stores (best bet is those that specialize in organic foods like Whole Foods). Leave the skin on when you cook them.  The skin is pretty thin, but it has a lot of nutritional content. So, let’s roast some potatoes, shall we?


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